Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Just walking in the rain

Mom, Dad, Skeeter, and I went walking in the rain last night. It wasn't raining hard, just enough to get wet.

Now will someone explain to me what's so romantic about walking in the rain? I must have missed something. We all got our hair wet. Skeeter and I had to have our paws wiped and wiped before we were allowed to enter the house.

There was a little excitement around 10:00 PM.
Mom always takes Skeeter and I out into the yard to go pee before we go to bed. It's really a waste of time. We can go out any time we want or need to. We have doggy doors. Well, anyway in the yard was an armadillo. I almost had him but Mom kept trying to call me back. She was afraid the armadillo would bite me and give me rabies or something. Now that would be something to write about. That little fellow ran for his hole under the fence. I didn't catch him but I think I got a little taste. I will be watching for him.

Skeeter is no help in these matters. He is my back up, way back. He sits by the back door and growls. Maybe he thinks he can scare the armadillo to death.

We have had a little rain the past few days. No where near enough, but every drop helps.

My Mom has her next "Installment" about dogs done but I have rambled on enough for today.

I need to go out and check the armadillo hole before it gets dark.

My quote for today is by Sydney Smith.

"When you rise in the morning, form a resolution to make the day a happy one for a fellow creature."

Come here little armadillo, let me make you happy, not.

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