Sunday, September 30, 2007

Cooler Weather at Last

Well, here it is, the last day of September. We finally have a cool day. Mom turned the air off and opened all the doors and windows. It's great, except for the love bugs that get in every time anyone opens the door. They should be gone in another week or so.

Dad is feeling pretty good today. He has had a lot of health problems. The family doctor is taking a bunch of tests to be on the safe side. Mom doesn't know what to buy for food anymore. Dad is diabetic, possible lactose intolerant, has serious heart problems and needs to watch his cholesterol. If anybody has a good menu to fit all criteria, please send it to me.

Big holes in our yard not caused by armadillos. We have gopher turtles and it is against the law to kill them. We have half a dozen big holes under our bushes and fence.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Mom and three friends went to a rain forest butterfly garden yesterday. Mom had a real good time. She got lots of pictures. She also got a list of plants in Florida that attract butterflies.

We have some already but Mom wants more.

Our friend is out of the hospital but he will be going into a nursing home. He can't take care of himself any longer. It's sad when that happens but sadder when they fall or don't eat properly.

We are slowly starting a vegetable garden. We only want a few things because our yard is too small for a big garden. So far all we have is 5 pepper plants. Tomatoes will be next.

Today's quote is by Alice Walker.

"In search of my mother's garden I found my own."

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Stormy Weather

The last two days or so have been very traumatic for a Cocker Spaniel who is terrified of thunder and lightening. We have had more than our share of both.

Friends of Mom and Dad lost most of their house to the tornado Thursday night. The husband got blown off his motorcycle as he was headed home. He ended up hanging on to a tree. When he got home, his house was damaged beyond livable.

This is the third tornado to hit our general area since the end of December. Florida is not noted for tornadoes but it seems to be this year. We will all be glad when hurricane season is over.

Mom and Dad went to the hospital to visit a friend they took there yesterday. He is 93 and is not doing as well as hoped. Please remember him in your prayers. His name is Ira. Thank you.

Tomorrow is Sunday so Mom and Dad will go to the hospital again and maybe we will get our Sunday nap in the afternoon.

Mom is going back to work in October. She still can't lift anything but she promised to be careful

She is helping in a fashion show on Thursday. She will mainly be taking pictures but she will also wear one of the stores outfits so she will model one outfit. She likes to show off pretty clothes.

Her writers group has a temporary place for next months meeting. Mom liked the place last month. I hope they can work it out. It's right next door to where they were before. Big room, Lots of parking.

Today's quote is by Lydia Maria Child.

"Why should we all dress after the same fashion? The frost never paints my windows twice alike."

"What's frost?"

Friday, September 21, 2007

Keeping Busy

Mom had her staples removed on Monday. The doctor said she is doing fine but cannot do much or lift much for four more weeks. Mom will be a basket case by then.

She has even gone shopping. If you know my Mom you know she does not like to shop. She went to Pet store, Pier One, TJ Max, Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, and Ross all in one day.

She is on a redecorating binge too. She has been measuring windows, picking up paint chips and looking at new lamps. The computer room is getting full of stuff to try to sell at a yard sale. I checked and Skeeter and I are safe. None of our toys are in the "Pile".

She had to take an elderly friend to the hospital today. She was gone all day. He is too old to come home by himself so I think his family is going to have to put him into a nursing home or at least assisted living.

We have had lots of bad thunder storms. Last night there were several tornado warnings. WE escaped but came close again.Last night the lightening was very close. One shook the house just after we went to bed so I slept between Mom and Dad all night.

Mom can't dig a garden because of her surgery but a friend suggested doing some container gardening. We will try some tomatoes and peppers if nothing else. Time to go shopping again at the nursery.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

We're Baaaack

Mom is feeling pretty good now. She goes to the Doctor tomorrow. She can't wait to get the staples out. She says they itch.

At first she didn't feel like doing much but now she can't wait for the Doctor to say "No restrictions."

She has been doing a little writing. She has a children's story she will probably submit to her writer's club. She has started another story as a part of her life. She is writing an Autobiography. using small stories of her life. This one is about a family heirloom. She is also working on her "Long short story" which is a mystery

According to her the mystery is whether she ever gets it finished or not. She keeps adding characters but they are all important to the story. I think.

Skeeter and I LOVE having her home every day. We get lots of attention and naps. Love those naps.

Today's quote is by Mom's boss

"When do you think the Doctor will let you come back to work and how much can you lift?"

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Last Pineapple

Mom picked and has eaten most of the last pineapple. The next biggie will be grapefruit. In between we hope for some veggies.

As soon as Mom is well enough to do some digging etc., we will get a small garden going. Maybe we can just do some container gardening this year. We did it before with good results.

My sister sent a present to Mom. Maybe it will come today. It will be the first time, I think, that it will be a surprise. Usually they can't wait to tell each other what they bought. I want to know too. Maybe its something we can share. Maybe it's food.

Mom went to a yard sale a couple of houses away. She brought a vase and another candle. This one smells like a creamsickle. If Mom lit all her candles at once we could heat up the whole house. She likes to burn several at a time if she is cooking things like fish or cabbage. The food smell is OK with me but Mom likes fruit and flowery smells and COFFEE.

The best thing about having Mom home sick is that she almost always takes a nap every day. Sometimes more than one. Skeeter and I take one with her so she won't get lonely.

Today's quote is by my Mom who stole it from James Brown

"I Feel Good"

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Labor Day

Mom has Labor Day off. I'll bet she gets lots of work done because she is having minor surgery on Tuesday. She will probably plant some vegetables.She wants to get her garden started.

She saw some really pretty shrubs in a neighbors yard. She will be looking for those too. They are bright greenish yellow. I feel some transplanting being done. She has to move some stuff to put the new plants where she wants them.

After her surgery she can't lift or do any heavy work. That is going to drive her crazy!!She got some yarn in case she gets tired of reading and writing. Somebody will probable get a new afghan. A friend is going to get married so maybe she'll get the afghan.

Mom is a little happier with her hair now. It has been washed and is a little more relaxed.(The curls I mean).

She finally got the spare room closet cleaned out. She should take a picture because it won't stay that way for long. Experience tells me that.

Today is a picnic day for Mom and Dad. Skeeter and I weren't invited. We'll probably get something good later.

Skeeter and I got our monthly pills for fleas and worms today. Mom makes little meat balls out of our dog food and hides the pills inside. She thinks I don't know they're inside. I just eat them real fast because she is relentless. I used to spit them out but she just stuffed them in my mouth and held it shut until I swallowed. This way is much nicer for both of us.

Have a nice weekend and Mom and I will be back on line as soon as she feels up to it.

Don't forget to put out your flag out on the 11th.