Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Last Pineapple

Mom picked and has eaten most of the last pineapple. The next biggie will be grapefruit. In between we hope for some veggies.

As soon as Mom is well enough to do some digging etc., we will get a small garden going. Maybe we can just do some container gardening this year. We did it before with good results.

My sister sent a present to Mom. Maybe it will come today. It will be the first time, I think, that it will be a surprise. Usually they can't wait to tell each other what they bought. I want to know too. Maybe its something we can share. Maybe it's food.

Mom went to a yard sale a couple of houses away. She brought a vase and another candle. This one smells like a creamsickle. If Mom lit all her candles at once we could heat up the whole house. She likes to burn several at a time if she is cooking things like fish or cabbage. The food smell is OK with me but Mom likes fruit and flowery smells and COFFEE.

The best thing about having Mom home sick is that she almost always takes a nap every day. Sometimes more than one. Skeeter and I take one with her so she won't get lonely.

Today's quote is by my Mom who stole it from James Brown

"I Feel Good"

1 comment:

B said...

Check out the vegetable gardening in containers article in the sentinnel newspaper today!I always do my green beans in containers anyway. Haven't started yet this year...still too hot.