Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Do You Look Like Your Dog?

Yesterday Mom and Dad were talking about people say dogs look like their owners or vice versa. Anyway, they determined that Mom and I look a little alike, blond hair, sort of wavy etc.

Today she looks just Like Skeeter, a toy poodle, She had it cut and permed. If it were black instead of blond she would look just like Skeeter. I know every time she gets it cut or permed, she can't wait for it to grow out again.

I think next time she should get a couple of wigs so she can change her hairstyle daily.

Today's Quote is by my Mom.

"I look like a poodle."

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Flea Market

One Question. Why do they call it a flea market?

Dad and Mom went to one today today. After walking from one end to the other Dad bought 2 pair of reading glasses. Mom petted all the puppies. I could smell them when she got home. She didn't buy any. Dad probably wouldn't let her. Besides, I have all I can do to keep Skeeter in line.

Mom did buy tomatoes, peppers, peaches, etc. etc.It will be time to plant a garden soon. We just have to think of a way to keep Skeeter out. He's not a digger but he pees on everything outside. Mom will come up with something.

At the risk of sounding political today's quote is both sad and humourous.
I don't know who's responsible for it.

"Sure you can trust our government, just ask any Indian."

Thursday, August 23, 2007

More Pineapples

Mom forgot to check the plants behind Dad's shed. One more pineapple.
Dad is diabetic so he can't eat much of the pineapple. Mom's doing a good job by herself I think.

She seemed to enjoy it so much that I thought I would try it again. No thanks! I don't think dogs are supposed to eat pineapple. I hope it's low calorie pineapple. Mom is trying to diet a little. Like maybe 10 lbs. Sounds easy but she cheats a lot.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Mom got her first pineapple of the year today. She had decided not to check on them every day but leave them alone for a week. Today she checked and there snuggled in the spiky leaves of a pineapple plant was an almost completely yellow fruit staring back at her.

Skeeter and I are not crazy about any fruit but I have to admit it was sweet, juicy, and still warm from the sun. Mom has five more that are in various stages of ripeness.

Now she will have five more tops to plant and each plant will have new shoots. Maybe next year we will have to start selling them. I think we need a bigger yard.

Mom is off work for ten days. Yeah! She is getting skeeter and me groomed tomorrow. I don't like that much but perhaps it will be cooler with my beautiful curls cut off. sniff.

Today's quote fits Mom and me perfectly. It is from Shelly Winters.

"I have bursts of being a lady, but it doesn't last long."

Saturday, August 18, 2007

OUCH! Fire Ants

My human sister called the other day. She went on vacation and the airline lost her luggage. When they found it, they delivered it at 4 AM. This morning she called and she has caught a bad cold. No way to start a vacation.

Mom got out early before it got too hot and pulled some weeds. She got into some fire ants and decided to quit for today. She pulled a big trash bag full. Now she is just scratching her ant bites.

She decided to work inside and is in the process of straightening out the worst closet in the house. She pulled everything out and now the closet looks pretty good but the spare room is a mess. Skeeter and I will go take a nap. I think it's not a good idea to get in her way today.

Skeeter brought her a toy but she didn't want to play.

Another quote by Maya Angelou

"You can learn a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: A rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights."

Thursday, August 16, 2007


One of Mom's friends has a King Charles Spaniel. If you are not familiar with the breed, they look similar to a Cocker Spaniel only smaller. Anyway, her dog had four puppies on July 30th. Their pictures are not on their web site yet but the announcement is. There is a picture of a different puppy and pictures of dogs that have been adopted. The dog that had the puppies has a long name but they just call her "Miss Scarlet". Her picture is on their web site. If you want to see some cute dogs, other than myself or Skeeter, check out

Mom is working the next four days so she isn't going to have much time to play with us except at night. We always get our walks anyway.

Skeeter is already taking his morning nap so I best go join him so he won't get lonely.

Today's quote is another by Maya Angelou.

"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one."

Monday, August 13, 2007

Up At 3 AM

Skeeter got sick last night. He threw up on Mom's new blanket and on the wall to wall carpet. She didn't yell or anything. Of course at 3AM you can't expect too much reaction.

She took Skeeter outside until he was done and then she washed his face and , now get this, then she rocked him for 1/2 hour until he fell asleep. THEN she cleaned up the mess as best she could. This morning we are washing blankets and shampooing rugs.

Mom figured as long as the shampooer is out she might as well do all the rugs. At least she is going to do the traffic areas.

This morning Skeeter seems to be fine. We went for our 5:30 AM walk.

Last night on our walk one of the neighbor's dogs tried to get us. He has done this three times before but Mom always picks us up and stamps her feet at the dog and yells go home. He doesn't like the flashlight she shines in his face either. Dad bought her a "zapper". It won't kill or hurt the dog but gives him a shock. All Mom did last night was discharge it into the air. It makes a lot of noise. That big sissy turned around and ran back into his yard. Yeah!

My quote for today is more advice than a quote. It is by my Mom.

"Don't have a baby or get a pet unless you don't mind getting up at 2 or 3 in the morning to give comfort or clean up a mess."

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Thunder & Lightening

I don't mind admitting that thunder & lightening frightens me.Usually I tolerate only so much kissing & hugging stuff. Skeeters loves all that mush. Anyway, I will sit on almost anybody's lap and they can put their arms around me during a storm. Last night we had a doozy. (Is that a real word?)

It lasted a good half hour. After that I still wasn't my calm cool collected self so I slept in the closet until I was sure the storm was over.
Today I will stick close to Mom and Dad as I heard the weatherman say scattered thunderstorms this afternoon.

Today's quote is by Maya Angelou.

"Regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life."

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Hello Again

Mom and I have not been on the computer for several days. She has had one dentist and two Dr. Appointments this week. She is fine it's just that everything happens at once plus she is back to work after a sort of vacation. She didn't go away but tried to get a lot of things done at home.

She had a fit when she discovered both Skeeter and I had dirty ears. Both of us have "floppy" ears and they need to be cleaned regularly. We both have those "weepy" eyes too so those get washed every day. I hesitate to mention she is also one of those "people" that brush their dogs teeth. She bought some chicken flavored dog toothpaste. Now, I personally, am quite fond of chicken but this stuff pfft.

Anyway, all is well and Mom has her writers club tomorrow. They are still looking for a permanent place to hold their meetings. Too bad we live so far from most everyone else. Skeeter and I love company.

My quote for today came out of Dear Abby's column today. It was part of a letter from Carol in Potsdam, NY. She did not say where she heard or read it but I think it's one of the best ones I have found to date. It can apply to many situations.

"I wondered why 'somebody' didn't do something. Then I realized I was somebody."

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Fix the Fence

Yesterday Mom called the people that live behind us. Somehow one of the slats in the fence was broken. Dad wanted to put in a new one but he had to get on the other side of the fence and they have a German Shepard,

The neighbor came out and did the nailing from his side. The broken slat left enough room for Skeeter to stick his head in the hole and like I said they have a German Shepard. She usually is friendly enough but we didn't want to take the chance.

Mom is still waiting for the pineapples to ripen. It was March when they flowered. They have gotten real big. Mom Fertilized them with citrus fertilizer whenever she did the grapefruit tree.

It's almost time to start thinking about a few vegetables in the garden. I saw some starter plants in Home Depot but it has been too hot. Hopefully we can plant in September.

Mom has a good spot behind the shed. It's wasted space so it will be turned into a garden. Small but last time we planted the birds got more than we did. This time she will cover them when things start to ripen. Especially the tomatoes.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Too Hot

I'm so glad Skeeter and I get to stay in the house when Mom goes to work. I usually sleep on her bed under the fan.It's too hot out there.
Yesterday Skeeter got on the bed too and pushed all Mom's decorator pillows on to the floor. Mom knew I didn't do it because I usually sleep right in the middle of the pillows. I would never push them to the floor.
She didn't yell or anything, thank goodness. All she did was point her finger at the pillows and look at Skeeter and said, "Did you do that?"
Skeeter just waged all over.
We are looking forward to the weekend because Mom and Dad will be home most of the day.
Mom's writers club is having a problem finding a place to meet. They have a couple of prospects but no definite place yet.
Mom is also looking for a different job.She's not too happy on this one. Maybe she'll win the lottery this week. Then she could stay home forever!

Today's quote is by Albert Schweitzer.

" By having Reverence for life, we enter a spiritual relation with the world."

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Smells Good

Mom has to go back to work on Friday. Skeeter and I are spoiled having her home all day. At least we will get in more naps when nobody is home

Today she was going to work outside again but decided she just didn't feel like it. Instead she is making spaghetti sauce, zucchini bread and blueberry muffins. The house is beginning to smell real good.

I know Skeeter and I are just dogs and not supposed to like people food but have you tasted any dog food lately? Mom bought some Newman's own organic dog food at $1.97 a can. Still tastes like dog food to me. Skeeter liked it but he eats anything in his dish or that falls to the floor.

I realize I am a fussy eater. I like the dog food Mom makes herself. Chicken, Rice and mixed vegetables. I used to pick out the vegetables but Mom purees them now and cooks the rice and vegetables together and then mixes it with cooked chicken. She thinks I don't know she has vegetables in the food.

She is trying to diet Skeeter. He is a chubby little thing. He was already too fat when we got him. Mom walks him, and me, for exercise but Skeeter just waddles along. He is a happy little dog and wants to greet everybody we meet. Not me, I make a fuss and people think I'm unfriendly. I'm not. I just think people should be checked out before you let just anybody pet you or pick you up.
I have a hiding place when I'm not sure of things. I usually go there when there is a thunderstorm or fireworks. If anyone breaks into this house I will hide. Skeeter will probably bring them a toy. He's not as streetwise as I am yet.
Time to check the bread.

Today's quote is by Mary Pettibone Poole.

"He who laughs, lasts."