Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Do You Look Like Your Dog?

Yesterday Mom and Dad were talking about people say dogs look like their owners or vice versa. Anyway, they determined that Mom and I look a little alike, blond hair, sort of wavy etc.

Today she looks just Like Skeeter, a toy poodle, She had it cut and permed. If it were black instead of blond she would look just like Skeeter. I know every time she gets it cut or permed, she can't wait for it to grow out again.

I think next time she should get a couple of wigs so she can change her hairstyle daily.

Today's Quote is by my Mom.

"I look like a poodle."

1 comment:

B said...

In my early 20's on my first job out of college, I went to a snazzy hair boutique in Atlanta. The hairdresser "Jerry" asked me to rendezvous with him for the weekend in his cabin in the country. I said "No!"
Guess how my perm turned out?