Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Mom got her first pineapple of the year today. She had decided not to check on them every day but leave them alone for a week. Today she checked and there snuggled in the spiky leaves of a pineapple plant was an almost completely yellow fruit staring back at her.

Skeeter and I are not crazy about any fruit but I have to admit it was sweet, juicy, and still warm from the sun. Mom has five more that are in various stages of ripeness.

Now she will have five more tops to plant and each plant will have new shoots. Maybe next year we will have to start selling them. I think we need a bigger yard.

Mom is off work for ten days. Yeah! She is getting skeeter and me groomed tomorrow. I don't like that much but perhaps it will be cooler with my beautiful curls cut off. sniff.

Today's quote fits Mom and me perfectly. It is from Shelly Winters.

"I have bursts of being a lady, but it doesn't last long."

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