Saturday, November 24, 2007


Hope y'all had a nice Thanksgiving. Mom and Dad went out to dinner so we (Skeeter and I) didn't get any leftovers. The next day Mom cooked some Turkey for all of us so we got some on Friday.

We are looking forward to Christmas and before. My (our) human sister is coming on the 19th and will stay until after Christmas. I know we will get leftovers at Christmas. Mom wouldn't dare not cook a turkey for Christmas. Pie too. Yes, dogs like pie, especially the crust.

We haven't put up any decorations yet but I think pretty soon.

Mom quit her job. She will be looking for a new one soon. There was too much stress on the old one and she was on her feet all day. She would like to get back to office work of some kind. That's what she's best at anyway.

Skeeter and I wish you all happy holidays.

Monday, November 12, 2007

New Curtains

The first thing I want to tell you is that Dad liked the new curtain :).
It took so long for Mom to find them, I hated to see her looking again. For selfish reasons I must add. If she's gone shopping, she's not home with me and Skeeter.

Dad also made a new mantle piece for the brick wall around our Franklin Stove. He needs to finish it but Mom can't decide if she wants to paint or stain it, Probably paint will win out. The top of the brick wall, in fact the whole thing was very rustic looking. The new mantle finishes it off nicer.

Rustic, in this case, means they did a lousy job when they built it but it's too hard and messy to tear it all out and rebuild.

We have been very remiss in keeping up our blog so don't know if we will continue or not. We will for a while.

We have been taking longer walks because Mom wants to lose some weight and Skeeter needs to. Mom lost 5 pounds and Skeeter a little over 1 pound. He only weighed 18 to begin with but should weigh no more than 15 according to the vet. Mom weighed...........Sorry Mom, I almost forgot.

My Human sister sent this quote.

"When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it happened or not." Mark Twain.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Where To Begin

It has been over a week since Mom and I blogged. We have been really busy.

The new doors are up with primer coat but need a finish coat of paint. Two accent lights have been installed. Poor Daddy. He had to go up in the attic (?). No head room. He had to crawl on his belly to do the electrical work. They are a nice addition. Our house is now a Florida, Colonial, Modern house but everything goes together pretty well. Mom is happy. I'm sure you've heard the saying "If Mom ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."

Mom put up new curtains in the living room. Dad hasn't seen them yet but I think he will like them. They have little balls, excuse me tassels hanging from them. I was quite interested in them and tried to get close enough to check them out but Mom shooed me away. Now they're up too high.

Mom has also been working hard at her job. It's getting so she dreads going to work.

Skeeter and I are trying to get used to the new time change.Saturday night Mom was so tired she went to be at 8PM. So did we. Usually we sleep about seven hours. So when 3 O'clock rolled around we let Mom know it was time to get up. She got a little upset with us. Took us out to the back yard in case we needed to do any business and then went back to sleep until 5 AM. By then we KNEW it was time to get up.

I got an e-mail from my human sister. She will be here for Christmas. Can't wait. Skeeter hasn't been here for Christmas yet. Wait until he smells that turkey and pie cooking all day. YUMMM

Today's quote is not really a quote. It is a cartoon my Mom saw. I will try to explain it.

St. Peter is standing at the gate checking in a gentleman. Standing beside St Peter is a little dog. St Peter says to the man "So you're little Bobbie: well, Rex here has been going on and on about you for the last 50 years."

We, especially Mom, miss you Buddy.