Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Hello Again

Mom and I have not been on the computer for several days. She has had one dentist and two Dr. Appointments this week. She is fine it's just that everything happens at once plus she is back to work after a sort of vacation. She didn't go away but tried to get a lot of things done at home.

She had a fit when she discovered both Skeeter and I had dirty ears. Both of us have "floppy" ears and they need to be cleaned regularly. We both have those "weepy" eyes too so those get washed every day. I hesitate to mention she is also one of those "people" that brush their dogs teeth. She bought some chicken flavored dog toothpaste. Now, I personally, am quite fond of chicken but this stuff pfft.

Anyway, all is well and Mom has her writers club tomorrow. They are still looking for a permanent place to hold their meetings. Too bad we live so far from most everyone else. Skeeter and I love company.

My quote for today came out of Dear Abby's column today. It was part of a letter from Carol in Potsdam, NY. She did not say where she heard or read it but I think it's one of the best ones I have found to date. It can apply to many situations.

"I wondered why 'somebody' didn't do something. Then I realized I was somebody."

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